When Will Easter Fall on April 11th Again

Home > Easter Sunday Dates

Definition of Easter Sunday Engagement
Easter Sunday is the Sun following the Paschal Full Moon (PFM) date for the year.

In June 325 A.D. astronomers approximated astronomical full moon dates for the Christian church building, calling them Ecclesiastical Total Moon (EFM) dates. From 326 A.D. the PFM date has always been the EFM engagement after March xx (which was the equinox date in 325 A.D.).

Hither are tables of Easter Sunday dates from 1990 to 2049. Beneath the list is an Easter Sunday engagement computer for whatever yr from 326 to 4099!

Western Easters are the basis of public holidays, and are the dates historic past Western religions. The Orthodox dates beneath are based on the original calculation using the Julian calendar, converted to the equivalent date in the Gregorian calendar now in utilise.

15 April 1990 23 Apr 2000 4 April 2010 12 April 2020 21 April 2030 ane April 2040
31 March 1991 15 April 2001 24 April 2011 4 April 2021 13 April 2031 21 April 2041
19 April 1992 31 March 2002 8 April 2012 17 April 2022 28 March 2032 6 Apr 2042
11 April 1993 20 Apr 2003 31 March 2013 9 April 2023 17 April 2033 29 March 2043
3 April 1994 11 April 2004 xx Apr 2014 31 March 2024 9 April 2034 17 April 2044
16 April 1995 27 March 2005 v April 2015 20 April 2025 25 March 2035 nine April 2045
7 April 1996 16 April 2006 27 March 2016 5 April 2026 13 Apr 2036 25 March 2046
30 March 1997 8 April 2007 16 April 2017 28 March 2027 5 April 2037 fourteen April 2047
12 Apr 1998 23 March 2008 1 April 2018 xvi April 2028 25 Apr 2038 5 April 2048
4 April 1999 12 April 2009 21 Apr 2019 one April 2029 10 Apr 2039 18 Apr 2049
15 April 1990 xxx April 2000 4 April 2010 19 April 2020 28 April 2030 6 May 2040
vii April 1991 15 April 2001 24 Apr 2011 two May 2021 13 April 2031 21 April 2041
26 April 1992 v May 2002 15 April 2012 24 April 2022 2 May 2032 thirteen April 2042
18 April 1993 27 Apr 2003 5 May 2013 sixteen April 2023 24 Apr 2033 3 May 2043
1 May 1994 11 April 2004 20 Apr 2014 5 May 2024 9 Apr 2034 24 Apr 2044
23 April 1995 i May 2005 12 April 2015 20 Apr 2025 29 April 2035 9 Apr 2045
xiv Apr 1996 23 April 2006 1 May 2016 12 April 2026 20 April 2036 29 April 2046
27 April 1997 viii Apr 2007 16 Apr 2017 two May 2027 v April 2037 21 Apr 2047
19 April 1998 27 April 2008 8 April 2018 xvi April 2028 25 April 2038 v April 2048
eleven April 1999 19 April 2009 28 Apr 2019 8 Apr 2029 17 April 2039 25 April 2049

Here'south a Nothing file list all possible Easter Lord's day Dates. Information technology is a text file that yous tin can view in any word processor or text file viewer.

When does Easter next occur on the aforementioned appointment?

... or ... When did Easter final occur on the same engagement?

These are common questions, so here are tables list Western Easter Sundays by engagement from 1900 to 2099.

M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25
1902 1904 1901 1903 1900 1905
1913 1910 1907 1915 1912 1917 1909 1914 1906 1911 1908 1916
1921 1918 1923 1920 1922 1919
1929 1926 1928 1925 1927 1924
1940 1932 1937 1934 1931 1939 1936 1941 1933 1938 1930 1935
1948 1945 1942 1947 1944 1949 1946 1943
1951 1959 1956 1961 1953 1958 1950 1955 1952 1963 1960 1954 1957 1962
1967 1964 1969 1966 1968 1965
1978 1970 1975 1972 1980 1977 1971 1974 1979 1976 1981 1973
1986 1983 1985 1982 1987 1984
1989 1991 1988 1993 1990 1992
1997 1994 1999 1996 1998 1995
M22 M23 M24 M25 M26 M27 M28 M29 M30 M31 A1 A2 A3 A4 A5 A6 A7 A8 A9 A10 A11 A12 A13 A14 A15 A16 A17 A18 A19 A20 A21 A22 A23 A24 A25
2008 2005 2002 2010 2007 2004 2009 2001 2006 2003 2000 2011
2016 2013 2018 2021 2015 2012 2023 2020 2017 2022 2014 2019
2027 2024 2029 2026 2031 2028 2025 2030
2035 2032 2043 2040 2037 2042 2034 2039 2036 2033 2041 2038
2046 2054 2051 2048 2053 2045 2050 2047 2044 2049 2052
2059 2056 2058 2055 2057
2062 2065 2070 2067 2064 2061 2066 2069 2063 2060 2071 2068
2073 2078 2075 2072 2077 2074 2076 2079
2084 2081 2086 2089 2083 2080 2091 2088 2085 2090 2082 2087
2092 2097 2094 2093 2096 2098 2095

You can view these tables for all years from 1583 to 4099 hither for Western Easters or Orthodox Easters.

How ofttimes do Western and Orthodox Easters occur on the same engagement?

  • Are some Easter dates more than common than others?
  • Is it true that Easter dates echo every xi years?

Answers to these questions and more are on the side by side page: Easter Date Information

Easter Date Computer top

Click on the [ + ] and [ - ] buttons to select a year from 326 to 4099 AD ...

If yous see the word 'twelvemonth' to a higher place, click here for a more basic version.

Hint: Refresh this page to run across the next Easter.

For keyboard users: Printing the Tab and Shift+Tab keys to motility the selection forward and backwards through the + and - buttons. Printing Enter to utilise the selected button.

And the mandatory disclaimer ...
Neither GM Arts nor anyone who owns the hardware or manages the host machines of this page, nor anyone who has contributed whatsoever information that has been used in this document, may be held financially responsible, or responsible in any way, if these dates are incorrect or misinterpreted. The user assumes full responsibility for the consequences of using this data.


Source: http://dates.gmarts.org/eastdate.htm

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