Asian Girl Surfboard Street Shark Funny

The Risks of Surfing


Dangers Lurking in the Surf

Be afraid, be very afraid. Surfing may seem like a nice, fun, safe sport, but after reading this top 10 you'll probably never want to go near the ocean again. From crazed locals to life threatening leash tangles, it's like a horror movie out there.

If that's not put you off, let's look at some of the dangers that you might encounter when out surfing, and the scares that are lurking out there in the deep dark ocean.

1. Marine Life

Sharks just have to come top of the list. Big teeth, attacks with no warning, all that screaming and bubbling red water. The danger that a shark poses is obvious, but there are other just as dangerous marine life to keep on the look out for. These include Seals, Snakes (sea ones, obviously), Urchins, Jellyfish and Stingrays. All can be potentially life threatening.

2. Drowning

There is a very real risk of drowning while surfing. Hold-downs, getting trapped on the reef, being separated from your board and not being able to swim in, and unconsciousness through a collision are all possible causes of drowning while surfing . So remember, always go surfing with a friend who will help you out if you get into trouble.

3. Waves

Waves may look nice from the beach but can be incredibly powerful. Some are powerful enough to break bones. Wipeouts on waves are a common cause of surfing injury.

4. Locals

Sometimes the most scary thing about a surf break are the regular surfers. Locals can sometimes be unfriendly, and in some cases, outwardly aggressive. Reduce the chance of an incident with a pack of irascible locals by behaving yourself, observe surf etiquette at all times, and don't make a general nuisance of yourself. If you're not behaving yourself then you only have yourself to blame.

5. Riptides

Rips are a hazard for surfers and swimmers alike and are often present at surf spots. These strength sapping currents can sweep out to sea and to a watery grave in the blink of an eye (well, almost!).

6. Surfboards

Surfboards can be a dangerous piece of sporting equipment. Pointed at one end, with one or more switchblade like fins ready to slice anything that gets in their way. Truly the stuff of nightmares. Keep control of your board while surfing and try to keep out of it's malevolent way when you wipeout.

7. Leash Tangles

The infuriating leash is terribly annoying whilst surfing, continuously trying to wrap itself around any spare limb it can get hold of. You can rest assured that it will try to incapacitate you at the most inopportune time. The only thing so do is to make sure you have a leash with a swivel. The rest is in the hands of the gods.

8. The Sea Bed

If it's a sandy bottom it will feel like concrete if a wave pounds you down upon it. If it is a rock reef it might as well be concrete, although it will be much more jagged and likely to cause more injury that regular smooth concrete. If it is coral, you are in real trouble. First, it will cut you like a razor blade. Then it will leave tiny pieces behind to infect you for months after. Here's a tip; never, ever, fall off your board.

9. Crowds and Newbies (or possibly even worse - crowds of newbies)

The more people in the lineup, the more dangerous it becomes. Boards flying left and right, surfers using bodyboarders as speed bumps, bodyboarders using swimmers as speed bumps—you get the idea! Add newbies to the mix and it's a disaster waiting to happen.

10. Spiders

Although you are unlikely to be found in the surf, they are well worth a mention. There could be a little incy wincy lurking in your board bag, ready to give you a nasty little nip. Besides, everyone is afraid of spiders.

Don't worry, there's little to no reason to be concerned. Surfing is a safe sport and as long as you are careful, you should not encounter any problems. Judging by some of the comments, this slightly tongue in cheek article has been taken quite seriously. Please take it all with a pinch of salt!


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