Easy Way to Get Out of Old Nua

The Endless Paths of Od Nua is a 15 level mega-dungeon located beneath Caed Nua, in the western Dyrwood. Built under the orders of the mad Engwithan tyrant Od Nua, it is a cursed, abandoned place, the only Engwithan ruin the Glanfathan tribes refuse to defend. There is a storyline associated with the Endless Paths of Od Nua, but it is separate from the main plot. In Pillars of Eternity the player comes across the Endless Paths relatively early in their adventure. Access to all but the topmost level of the Endless Paths is barred by a magic door until completion of the quest The Old Watcher.


Apart from a small part of the first level, the dungeon is entirely optional. As the player explores the Endless Paths, the dungeon becomes progressively harder at a faster rate than the player can advance levels. Because of this, it is wise for the player to intermittently leave and return to the Endless Paths as they gain power and experience over the course of the game. A good way to determine this is by the traps that can be found in most of the levels, if your team is unable to disarm them even with lockpicks, then it would be good to leave and go out to do more quests, tasks, or bounties. This page will be a step by step guide for every level of the dungeon, starting with the first level.

  • Level 1 - The Old Watcher
  • Level 2 - Xaurip Base
  • Level 3 - Ogre Lair
  • Level 4 - Head
  • Level 5 - Drake
  • Level 6 - Catacombs
  • Level 7 - Forge
  • Level 8 - Vampires
  • Level 9 - Ossuary
  • Level 10 - Experiments
  • Level 11 - Fungus
  • Level 12 - Vithrak
  • Level 13 - Banshees
  • Level 14 - Tomb
  • Level 15 - Dragon

Level 1

The first level of the Endless Paths are actually part of the main storyline in the game, for The Old Watcher quest. It is filled with various enemies, such as spiders, xaurips, beetles, and looters. The first room you enter will have a door that can be opened with the appropriate mechanics level, or with a key that can be found in one of the next rooms that will be dropped by some xaurips. The same room also has some hidden treasure, so be sure to scout the area once you've killed the spiders and xaurips. There is also a magical barrier that can't be opened until you kill Maerwald (a wizard that is found in the locked door next to the stairs) and talked to the statue in the stronghold. There is also a Spider Queen that will drop a unique weapon, Oidhreacht, once killed.

  1. Stairs that lead to the dungeon of your Stronghold.
  2. Maerwald's room, prepare for a fight as soon as you enter the room as you cannot leave it without fighting him.
  3. There are some enemies in this room, as well as a group of Xaurips that hold the key to Maerwald's room. Scout once you've killed them, as there is also some hidden treasure.
  4. Magical Barrier that can't be opened until you speak to the statue in the stronghold after killing Maerwald.
  5. Spider Queen location, there are several other smaller spider types with her so be cautious when fighting her.
  6. Group of Looters can be found here.
  7. The main staircase, used to traverse between all the floors of Caed Nua. Can't be opened until you go there from the 3rd (or any other floor with the stairs) floor and open it from the other side. The main staircase can be found every few levels.
  8. Exit that leads to Caed Nua.

Level 2


The second level is the first to have traps in the dungeon. They're low level, so if you have anyone with at least 3 Mechanics you should be able to disarm them easily. They can be located in the rooms 2, 3, and 7. There is also a large amount of xaurips (regular one and priests) in this area, as well as wurms. You an also find a Broken Blade item in room 3, that starts the side quest "The Blade of the Endless Paths". It is required for the quest, so it is suggested that you take it as you go thoruhg the dungeon.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 1. There are some enemies in the same room.
  2. There is a trap located here, as well as a Xaurip and Wurm.
  3. There are two traps in this room, one near the entrance and one in the Hut, so be careful. There is also a large amount of xaurips, and the Broken Blade item that starts the side quest "The Blade of the Endless Paths".
  4. There is an iInjured xaurip in this area, you can leave him alone, examine him, or cut his throat.
  5. You can find a Wurm Egg here. You'll get a Tiny White Wurm, which can be your pet if you want it to. There are some xaurips in this area, as well as a hidden area with camping supplies, so be sure to Scout the area once you've dealt with the xaurips.
  6. Stairs that lead to Level 3.
  7. There is a trap at the entrance to this room, and if you're low level you probably won't be able to pick it. It is suggested that you wait until you can pick it as traps are worth experience. Once you can, there is a unique armor piece, Hand and Key, that is on the corpse found there.
  8. This area contains The Pit, as well as a huge amount of xaurips and wurms. Once they are dealth with, you should scout the area and in the north-west corner of the room you can find a unique rapier. You can examine The Pit and do several things: Use a Grappling Hook to climb down, climb down without using anything (will fail unless you have Athletics 3), or jump into it. However, jumping will result in the injury of one of your characters, breaking their leg. It is not advised that you go down The Pit early on, as it leads to Level 5 of the Endless Paths of Od Nua. It will be difficult to exit, and if your team is weak, then you might not make it out easily. It's better to just take the stairs down to level 5.

Level 3

The third level of the dungeon is one of the hardest if you're lower leveled. It contains only ogres, which are very strong, tanky enemies, as well as ogre druids, which can cast dangerous spells on your party. There is also a quest that can be done here, Desperate Measures, by killing the chieftain ogre, Zolla, at room 6. There is also some traps, which can be located at 2, 5, and 8. This is the second floor to have the main staircase, which can be found at 9.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 2.
  2. There is a tomb located here, that has a trap in it. Be sure to disarm it before looting the tomb.
  3. You can find Thulgar here, a friendly ogre that will not hurt you. You can starts the Desperate Measures quest here, which involves killing Zolla, found at room 6, and going back to Thulgar for the reward.
  4. You can find a statue here that will not do anything unless you have the Resolution sabre, that can be found in Level 4 of the dungeon. Once you do, you can stick it on him, and the door to 5 will open.
  5. There are some treasures located in this room, however, they are guarded by traps, so be sure to Scout before looting them.
  6. Zolla and some ogres can be found in here. She is a very difficult enemy to defeat, so you should either try to seperate her from the rest of the ogres or block them in the tiny corridor south-east of the room. There is also a hidden treasure in the room, so once you've killed Zolla be sure to Scout and you will find it.
  7. Stairs that lead to Level 4. There is also some slime enemies in here.
  8. There are a lot of traps and ogres in this area, as well as a hidden item that can be found by Scouting in the corridor.
  9. The main staircase, if this is your first time in Level 3 it's recommended you go up to Level 1 and unlock the door so that you can go up and rest in an inn or your stronghold without having to go through each level again.


Level 4

This is the fourth level of the dungeon, and not much happens here. There are a lot of slime, beetle, and troll enemies that can be found, as well as the Resolution unique weapon (found at 2) as well as one of the seals required for a puzzle in Level 6 (found at 3).

  1. Stairs to Level 3. There is also a hidden area right next to the entrance, so Scout and be sure to look for it.
  2. A Greater Black Ooze can be found here, that drops the Resolution unique weapon. It is required to open a secret area that is found in the third level of the dungeon. There is also a hidden area on the east ledge, so be sure to look over there while Scouting.
  3. In this room you can find a chest that has one of the three seal required for a puzzle in Level 6. However, it is trapped, so be sure to Scout and disarm it before opening it.
  4. There are some enemies in this room, but next to the beginning of the stairs there is a trap that should be disarmed before continuing onwards.
  5. Stairs that lead to Level 5.

Level 5


This floor is a very difficult one to deal with if you're low level. There are several reasons for this: there is a Drake found at 6, surrounded by large amounts of xaurips, which stops you from advancing to the next level until you defeat them. The entire area is also filled with high level xaurips, that will be difficult to deal with if you aren't strong enough. The traps here, located at 4, are also high level, and are detrimental if you wish to defeat the Drake with ease. If you cannot disarm them, it is highly recommended you leave and level up your characters until you can do so.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 4. There are some xaurip enemies north and west of the area.
  2. Main staircase.
  3. There is a hidden lever here that can be found by Scouting, and it opens up the room west of it. In this room you can find an Ornate Sword Hilt, which is part of the quest "The Blade of the Endless Paths".
  4. There are three seperate traps in this area, and they are all very high level. If your characters cannot disarm them, leave and level them up before coming back.
  5. Where the character drops from Level 2 if they decide to go down The Pit. As you can see, being surrounded by high level traps and high level xaurips makes it difficult to leave, especially after fighting a large amount of xaurips on Level 2.
  6. You can find a Drake and a large amount of xaurips here. When you enter the room, you be forced to speak with him and fight him after doing so. For an easy way to defeat him, simply position your party in the room at 4, and get a single person to talk to the Drake. Once the battle has started, run that single person all the way back to room 4, and fight the Drake alone there. This way, you can deal with the Drake and xaurips seperately (Sometimes, rarely though, the xaurips will still follow. Simply try again and they will most likely not do so).
  7. Stairs that lead to Level 6.

Level 6

The sixth floor contains a large amount of skeletons, particularly skeleton fighters, mages, and archers. It also contains darguls. You will also need a bloodstone overseer seal, which can be found in Level 4, so if you don't have it it is suggested that you do so before fighting all the enemies. There is a puzzle located in room 4 which requires three seals, both which can be found at 2 and 3.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 5.
  2. There are a few skeletons and darguls in this room, but mainly you can find the sapphire overseer seal in the sarcophagus. However, it is trapped, so be sure to Scout before opening it.
  3. Again, there are a few enemies in this area, and you can find the peridot overseer seal in the sarcophagus. It is also trapped, so be sure to Scout before trying to open it.
  4. In room 4, you will find a door that requires you to have all three overseer symbols to open, by placing them in the respective slots: Left Socket, Sapphire - Middle Socket, Bloodstone - Right Socket, Peridot. You can open the door once all seals are placed.
  5. Stairs that lead to Level 7 can be found here. There is also some hidden treasure which can be found by Scouting, as well as a tomb that is trapped. Be sure to disarm the trap before trying to loot the contents.


Level 7

Level 7 is a level that can be quickly traversed if your party is highly leveled, however, it is without a doubt very difficult for most parties that come through the dungeon. The reason why high level parties can do this is because by killing the high level blights located at 9 will be possible to defeat, which is very difficult to do. However if you do, you can simply press the pedestal located at 9 and continue onto the next floor. If your character is low level, then you must get rid of the blights through another means: there are various prisms located throughout the level that can be placed in the large colored rooms to remove a blight corrosponding to the blight's element (placing the water prism removes the high level water blight). A quest can also be completed here, if you have Kana Rua in your party. The area in general has a variety of different blight enemies, as well as spectres, shades, shadows, and swamp slimes. Another thing to note is that every single large colored room has a hidden stash located inside, so be sure to Scout when you've defeated all the enemies.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 6. There are some enemies up ahead in the intersection between corridors.
  2. The Earth Blight Forge is found here, as well as the Wind Prism. You can find the Earth Prism in room 7.
  3. The Fire Blight Forge is found here. You can find the Fire Prism in room 5.
  4. There are a large number of shades in this area, so be careful. In the north-west corner of the room, you will find the Rain Prism and Old Copper Key, which is required to open the door leading to room 7.
  5. Fire Prism is located in the chest in this room.
  6. The Wind Blight Forge is found here. You can find the Wind Prism in the Earth Blight Forge, located at room 2.
  7. There will be a skeletal mage in this room, and if you have Kana Rua in your party, you can collect the tablet on the table. This will complete the Kana Rua quest, Time and Tide. You can also find the Earth Prism in the chest in the west side of the room.
  8. The Rain Blight Forge can be found here. You can find the Rain Prism in room 4.
  9. If you haven't activated any of the Blight Forges, you will have to fight 4 Major Blights that are very difficult to defeat for lower levels. Once they are gone, press the pedestal in the center of the room and the door will open. This will lead to stairs that head down to Level 8.

Level 8

This level of the dungeon has a very large amount of traps, as well as a difficult enemy that prevents you from reaching the next level if you are too low leveled. He can however be talked to if you know the Engwithan Language, which can be done by finishign the Undying Heritage main quest in Defiance Bay. If you do talk to him, and do what he asks (kill all the other fampyrs), then you can pass through without defeating him. He does however drop a unique armor piece, so you should kill him if you think you have a high enough level. There is also a unique arbalest in the chest located in room 7. There are various amounts of enemies in this level, including: skeletons (fighters, archers, and mages), fampyrs, death guards, adra beetles, and darguls.


  1. Stairs that lead to Level 7. There are 2 traps up ahead, so be sure to Scout and disarm them before continuing. There is also a door that can be opened if you have high enough Mechanics, but you do not have to open it to gain access to the area.
  2. There is a large amount of enemies located in this area. There are also some hidden treasures, so be sure to Scout around when the area is clear of creatures.
  3. You can find the main Fampyr located here. If you do not have the Undying Heritage quest completed, you will not be able to speak with him peacefully and continue onwards through the dungeon and be forced to fight him. He is a very difficult enemy, and it is recommended that you get a tank to simply stand in the bridge that leads to the adra statue and have all your mages and party members with ranged weapons attack the enemies one by one. Be careful however, as the fampyr can cast charm and charm your party members.
  4. Stairs that lead to Level 9 can be found here.
  5. There are 3 traps located in this intersection, as well as a hidden stash located in the room northwest and another trap in the room south-west. Be sure to Scout and disarm all of the traps before getting the hidden treasure.
  6. The main staircase.
  7. You can find a unique arbalest here, however, it is protected by a very high level trap so if you cannot open it, it is best to leave it alone until you can disarm it and get it later on.
  8. There are a large amount of enemies located in this room, however, there is also some hidden treasure located at the end of it as well.

Level 9

The 9th level of the Endless Paths is pretty uneventful. There are a lot of adra beetles, swamp slimes, spectres, crystal eaters, and cean gwla enemies. You can also find another part of the blade for "The Blade of the Endless Paths" quest in the area at 4.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 8.
  2. There is a door here that can be opened if you have 12 Mechanics, however, you can also open it with the Old Copper Key, which can be found by opening a Box in area 3 with a Small Bronze Key which can be find in another small container in that room, or with 9 Mechanics. There are a large number of enemies in the room right after the door, so be very careful if you are about to fight them.
  3. This is a pit which damages you as you walk along. It is recommended that you take the party member with the highest HEALTH (NOT Endurance) and walk around, trying to find the Old Copper Key. It can be found in the box to the east side, which can be opened with the Small Bronze Key (found in one of the small containers) or with 9 Mechanics. Once you have the key you can open the south door and then get the rest of your party over onto the other side. There is also a unique weapon that can be found in this room, on the skeleton on the north-east wall of the room, in the center.
  4. There are two traps in this corridor, along with a hidden symbol that opens the secret room which contains a part of the blade for "The Blade of the Endless Paths" quest.
  5. Stairs that lead to Level 10. There is also a large amount of enemies in this area, so be careful when entering.
  6. You can find a hidden area in this location, however it is guarded by crystal eaters so be careful when entering the room. Once they're dead, go into Scout mode and loot the treasure.

Level 10


This level is also pretty uneventful. There are various types of enemies on this short floor, mainly spiders (crystal eaters, ivory spiderlings, and widowmakers) if you follow the direct route to the next level. However, there are also shades, spectres, menpwgras, and cean gwlas in room 3, however it is not recommended or required to go to.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 9. Be careful, as once you take a few steps into the room, around 10 shades will suddenly appear and attack your team. Try and keep your backline safe from them, and you'll kill them easily.
  2. There is a door located here that cannot be opened until you get the Adra Key located at 4.
  3. This area is locked until you open the door at 2 with an Adra Key located at 4, however, it doesn't contain much besides cean gwlas, specters, and menpwgras. It's best you just skip it, as there is not much besides a small hidden area in the north-west corner of the room.
  4. You can find an Adra Key here, guarded by several spiders. You will find it in the wall, and you can open the door located at 2 with it.
  5. Stairs that lead to Level 11.

Level 11

This area is pretty short, however, there are a large amount of dank spores and sporelings in this area. They are very annoying to defeat, as each one of them can charm your party members for a short period of time. There are also forest lurkers, shades, shadows, disease puddings, swamp slimes, and swamp spores. There is also a huge dunk spore in the area at 6, so be very careful when fighting in that area.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 10.
  2. There is a trap located here, so be sure to Scout the area and disarm it before going through the area.
  3. There are a large amount of enemies located in this area, so be careful before going here. There is a hidden stash located in the north-west corner of this area, so Scout once the enemies are killed.
  4. There is also a trap here, so be sure to Scout the area and disarm it before going through the area.
  5. On the way to 5, you will find a various amount of different enemies, so be careful. You'll find a vinewall here, that can be used to pass to the next side, however it is recommended that you do not use it if you wish to leave the dungeon to either rest or stock up on supplies or level up more, simply because you cannot take it back. This means that you'll have to fight the large group of enemies in area 6, as well as pass through the traps located at 2 and 4 if you cannot or have not disarmed them yet. The next entrnace to the main staircase is on level 14, so it is recommended you leave the dungeon at this point in time if you cannot disarm the traps.
  6. There are a large group of enemies in this area, including a huge dunk spore. There will be several other enemies, and the best strategy would be to summon a large group of wurms or any other type of creature and kill the spores quickly.
  7. There are two traps in this area, so once you've killed the enemies at 6, be sure to Scout and disarm them to get some good loot from one of the bodies that is under a trap.
  8. Stairs that lead to Level 12.


Level 12

The twelfth level of the Endless Paths is quite large, and you'll find mainly crystal eaters and vithracks as enemies. Located at the area 3, you'll find a large group of vithracks and crystal eaters that are friendly, and will not attack you unless you want to do so. You can also complete a quest for them that involves going to the lower level, picking up some machine and adra pieces, and coming back up to give it to the leader, Tcharek. He will reward you by getting Krivi to sell you gems, magic scrolls, and light armors.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 11.
  2. There is a hidden stash here guarded by crystal eaters. Kill them, then be sure to Scout around to reveal the treasure.
  3. You can find the vithrack camp here, and they will not attack you. You can talk to their leader, Tcharek, and he will give you a quest to get three parts from the lower floor. Once you've done so, you can come back up and buy gems, scrolls, and light armors from Krivi, located . It is required you take this quest, as otherwise you will not be able to go down to the next level without turning aggressive against the vithracks.
  4. You can find Krivi here, a Vithrack that will tell you to go to 5 so that you can investigate a mad vithrack that lurks there. You'll gain some experience by doing so, and also gain the final part of blade from the "The Blade of the Endless Paths" quest. Krivi will also sell you gems, scrolls, and light armor when you complete The Master's Tools quest.
  5. There is a trap in the corridor leading to this area, so be sure to disarm it before fighting the crystal eaters and mad vithrack that can be found here. Once they're killed, pick up the polished pommel stone off of the vithrak body, as it is the last piece to "The Blade of the Endless Paths" quest.
  6. There will be a trap here, as well as some diamonds located on a corpse. The trap will most likely be too high level, so for now, simply leave it and continue onwards.
  7. You can find Kestorik before the entrance to Level 13, who will not let you pass peacefully unless you've started The Master's Tools quest. Otherwise, he will fight you, and the rest of the camp will also become aggressive against you.

Level 13


Level 13 is the last large level, as well as the one with a large amount of strong enemies. The next two floors are difficult, as well, but are mainly just a boss fight per floor. You will fight adra animats, cean gwlas, spectres, and a Guardian of Od Nua, a strong animat located at room 6. This area also houses some friendly ghosts, however, if you do not have the Undying Heritage quest complete, you will be unable to speak with them. It's recommended that you finish that quest before completing this level as well as the following ones. This place also houses three pieces of machinery and adra items that are required for "The Master's Tools" quest that is started on the upper floor. Once you've collected them all, head back up and talk to Tcharek on the 13th level.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 12.
  2. There are some adra animats in this room, and when you kill them, a spirit will appear that you can speak to if you've completed the Undying Heritage quest. He will tell you about the main door, located at 4.
  3. Before entering this room, be very careful as there are three traps in the middle of them, that go down a line. Scout and disarm them before continuing. From the machine, you can take an Engwithan Machine Part, which is the first of three parts you'll need to complete "The Master's Tools" quest.
  4. Before I go into the door, I would like to say that there are four traps in this area, so be very careful and disarm them. There is a door here that cannot be opened until you talk to the spirits in chambers 2 and 7. You also have to say that you are an enemy of Od Nua, and the door will open, leading to chamber 8/9 and the entrance to Level 14.
  5. Here you will find various amounts of enemies, as well as the Adre Shell. This is another item for "The Master's Tool" quest. There is also a trap and a hidden item in the north-west corner of the room, so be sure to Scout once you've defeated all the enemies.
  6. Here you will find a trap, as well as a gleaming adra fragment, which is another item for "The Master's Tool" quest. Be sure to disarm the trap before taking the gleaming adra fragment.
  7. Here you will find a large amount of enemies, and once they are defeated, another spirit that you can talk to in order to open the main door. If on the first Endless Paths floor, you absorbed Maerwald's knowledge, there will be a switch in the middle that opens a secret chamber with two treasure chests, north-east of the room.
  8. Here you will find a Guardian of Od Nua. He's a very simple enemy to defeat, simply don't let him attack your backline and you'll kill him quickly. Loot his corpse as well, since he drops some good items.
  9. Stairs that lead to Level 14.

Level 14

The fourtheenth level is a small area, however, there is an adra crystal in the middle of the room that, if touched, summons the Spirit of Od Nua, the person who build the entire dungeon. He does not rule it anymore, however, and the true master lays the floor before. If your statistics are high enough, he will send you on your way, but if you are not a high enough level, he will fight you, along with 3 other summoned spirits. You can skip this fight entirely however, by just not clicking on the adra crystal.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 13.
  2. The main staircase.
  3. Adra crystal that summons Spirit of Od Nua. If your level is not high enough, he will fight you, and it is a very difficult fight. It is recommened that you skip it.
  4. Stairs that lead to Level 15.


Level 15

The final floor of the Endless Paths of Od Nua. It is a big location, however for the most part it is empty. You find out that the master is actually an Adra Dragon that your party is looking for. Once you head down the stairs at 2, you cannot go back up, so be careful about going down as you will be forced to fight the adra dragon if your party cannot convince him to change his place of staying. There are also some xaurip enemies in this area, as well.

  1. Stairs that lead to Level 14.
  2. Stairs that lead to the Adra Dragon, you cannot go back up these once you head down them.
  3. You will find the Adra Dragon in this location. There are two ways to get out of the pit: Kill the dragon or convince him to change his place of staying. However, killing him is not going to be easy. He has very high attack, stats, and his attacks have no distance limit, so, regardless of how far away your party members are standing, they will take damage. Due to this, one of the dragon's attacks is capable of killing all of your mages and ranged characters. The only chance of defeating the adra dragon lies in the highest possible development of your party members, with very good gear and very good preparedness for the battle. However, if you do not want to fight him, you can handle the conversation in such a way that convinces him to change where he lives. You'll have to pick the dialogue options connected to the depleting adra deposits underground, and then do a short and easy quest for him.
  4. There is a treasury here, where there is a lot of loot. It only unlocks once you've finished "The Master Below" quest.

Up Next: Stronghold

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Source: https://www.ign.com/wikis/pillars-of-eternity/Endless_Paths_of_Od_Nua

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